So far you have
2 merchant ships, with supplies they can carry 100 people (30 sailors/crew) each. Same size as the Mayflower!
A horse counts as 3 people
A boar 5 people
A giant boar that gets grumpy 10 people
Already in Thyrela
3 characters and support
20 troops loyal to Bernard (10 mounted)
10 house troops (survivors from Volorts party)
[the rest of the ship is taken up by officials, marines, sailors and supplies you have been gone for some time]
Horses are available but they are work horses and would need to be taken from the local populace.
Waiting for transport
You have 40 troopers but by the time you add
officers, support staff (blacksmith etc.) it comes up to 50. 45 combatants and
5 non-combatants.
10 marines (5 crossbow and 5 broadsword) (Level 2)
1 Sergeant (Level 3)
1 marine (level 3) Dark Paladin killer (one of the two
marines that critted at the end)
As survivors of this great victory they all receive +25 on
fear rolls vs undead (not your characters) and your special marine will get a
bonus +15 to OB when we do his stats up.
Can count as "sailors"
5 orcs with boars
5 orcs without
12 wives
8 sprogs
General settlers including 10 followers of Labienus